Philippine Standard Time

Access to Higher and Modern Education Scholarship Program (AHME-SP) Portal has won the Digital Innovation for Public Good Award (Agency Level)

23 Jul 2024

Congratulations! The MBHTE Directorate General for Higher Education's (DGHE) Access to Higher and Modern Education Scholarship Program (AHME-SP) Portal has won the Digital Innovation for Public Good Award (Agency Level) during the BARMM ICT Summit and Expo 2024, organized by the Bangsamoro Information and Communications Technology Office (BICTO). The portal offers the following features for aspiring scholars: 1. Step-by-step online instructions for document submission. 2. Access to the list of AHME-SP Priority Programs. 3. Viewing of AHME-SP guidelines for reference and other features. Additionally, the portal is a valuable tool for the DGHE in validating the applicant masterlist.